5 Tourist Attractions to visit in Vatican

Vatican is the smallest country in the world, but it is so important in terms of religion and culture. The state has about half a square kilometer and is led by the Pope, being also the residence of the Catholic Church. There are many attractions that you can admire while in Vatican because each area of the city is full of history and culture. Here are situated the Vatican Museums, containing the most important works of art of the world and St. Peter Basilica, the largest Christian church. Here are 5 tourist attraction you must visit while being in Vatican:

5 Tourist Attractions to visit in Vatican

1. St. Peter`s Basilica

Basilica of St. Peter is situated in the center of the Vatican and is the largest Christian church, with a facade of 114 m wide and 47 m high. It has an area of 22,000 square meters and can accommodate 20,000 people. Basilica was built by Emperor Constantine in 320 AD in the area where St. Peter was martyred. It is the center of the main Catholicism manifestations and is the largest church in the world.

St. Peter`s Basilica, Vatican | 5 Tourist Attractions to visit in Vatican
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Inside St. peter`s Basilica | 5 Tourist Attractions to visit in Vatican
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St. Peter`s Basilica, Vatican | 5 Tourist Attractions to visit in Vatican
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2. The Vatican Gardens

Vatican Gardens can be visited in organized groups, with a guide, and you can book your ticket in advance. These private gardens and parks occupy more than half of the Vatican territory, having 23 hectares. They include monuments, fountains, caves and fortifications, dating from the ninth century to present, mostly being Baroque and Renaissance style.

The Vatican Gardens | 5 Tourist Attractions to visit in Vatican
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3. The Vatican Art Gallery

Vatican Art Gallery is one of the newest sections of the Vatican Museums. Here are preserved, for tourists admiration, history works of famous artists such as Giotto, Cimabue, Raphael, Crivelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Titian, Domenichino, Caravaggio, but there is also a room dedicated to modern art.

The Vatican Art Gallery | 5 Tourist Attractions to visit in Vatican
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4. Vatican Museums

Vatican Museums include the most important art collections in the world. They say that the Vatican Museums`origin began with Julius II, who exhibited artworks in 1503. The complex includes now ten different museums, comprising paintings, sculptures, armor, tapestries, mosaics, Greek vases, African art objects, maps, and much more.

Vatican Museums | 5 Tourist Attractions to visit in Vatican
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Vatican Museums | 5 Tourist Attractions to visit in Vatican
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Vatican Museums | 5 Tourist Attractions to visit in Vatican
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5. Sistine Chapel

Sistine Chapel is the Vatican Pope’s palace from Vatican and is considered one of the most famous art works of the world. Its construction began in 1472. The ceiling of the chapel was painted by Michelangelo in 1508. The chapel allows tourists to observe illustrations of stories from the Old Testament. Here are held cardinals conclaves to elect a new pope.

Sistine Chapel | 5 Tourist Attractions to visit in Vatican
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