10 Most Dramatic Sea Cliffs in the World

7. Saint Vincent Cape (Cabo Sao Vicente), Algarve, Portugal

A dramatic headland in southern Portugal, Cape St Vincent was a holy ground during the Neolithic period. More famous as a battleground due to a number naval battles fought in the vicinity, Saint Vincent Cape is also the southwestern end of the 5,000 km-long E9 European Coastal Path reaching up to Narva-Jesuu in Estonia.

The vertical rise of the cliffs to a stunning height of 75 meters from the Atlantic is simply amazing. One of the most dramatic sea cliffs in the world, the cape is home to some of the rare marine species and the concertation of birds on the cliffs is impressively high.

Sagres Lighthouse at Saint Vincent Cape (Cabo Sao Vicente) - most South-western point of Continental Europe, Algarve, Portugal | 10 Most Dramatic Sea Cliffs in the World
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