10 Most Amazing Lakes in the World You Should Visit

6. Moraine Lake, Canada

Nestled beautifully at a staggering elevation of nearly 6,183 feet in the Valley of the Ten Peaks, Moraine Lake in Canada is famous for its distinct blue shade of water due to the refraction of light off the rock flour deposited in the lake. Extremely picturesque with jagged glaciated peaks and green valley around it, Moraine Lake is also known for its many hiking trails.

If this exquisite lake looks familiar and you are wondering where have you seen it, then you probably have seen it on Google’s Android operating system as one of its preview pictures or on the reverse side of Canadian twenty-dollar bill (1969 and 1979 issues). Need more reasons why you should visit this world famous lake?

Idyllic Moraine Lake in Banff National Park, Canada | 10 Most Amazing Lakes in the World You Should Visit
Idyllic Moraine Lake in Banff National Park, Canada / Copyright Zhukova Valentyn

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