10 Most Amazing Lakes in the World You Should Visit

1. Lake Hillier, Australia

The first written records of this gorgeous lake in the Goldfields-Esperance region of Western Australia are dated back to 1802 by Captain Matthew Flinders, English navigator, and cartographer, who mentioned ‘a small lake of a rose colour’ in his journal. Famous across the globe for it’s unusual yet beautiful pink colored, Lake Hillier is surrounded by a dense jungle of eucalyptus and paperbark trees.

Rimmed by sand, Lake Hillier is one of the most amazing lakes in the world the pink color of which is due to saline water.

Rimmed by sand, Lake Hillier is one of the most amazing lakes in the world the pink color of which is due to saline water | 10 Most Amazing Lakes in the World You Should Visit
Lake Hillier, Australia / Copyright Ryan Fletcher

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