10 Most Amazing Lakes in the World You Should Visit

9. Lake Malawi, Tanzania (Malawi and Mozambique)

Between Mozambique, Malawi, and Tanzania lies the ninth largest lake in the world named Lake Malawi which is also known as Lago Niassa in Mozambique and Lake Nyasa in Tanzania. Lake Malawi is regarded as the second deepest and third largest lake in Africa. Spread across the area of 29,600 square kilometers, the lake is not just famous for its scenic surroundings but is also known for a huge number of fish species.

David Livingstone described it as “The Lake of Stars” due to the lanterns of the fishermen on their boats which resembled stars in the sky from a distance. Often listed amongst the 10 most amazing lakes in the world you should visit, Lake Malawi is a precious jewel in Africa’s treasure trove.

Beautiful View of Lake Malawi, the second deepest and third largest lake in Africa. | 10 Most Amazing Lakes in the World You Should Visit
Lake Malawi / Copyright Giovanni De Caro

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