10 Amazing Places To Visit In Alaska

1. Denali National Park & Preserve

Meaning “The High One,” Denali is, in all fairness, a very fitting name for the highest peak in North America. The legendary national park actually takes its name from Mount McKinley’s aforementioned native name. With horns, moraines, kettles, glaciers, and an entire encyclopedia of other, equally astonishing and original geological features, Denali can be said to be the ultimate 6-million-acre Goliath of interesting places to visit in Alaska. Animal species are also ample in Denali; they range from wolves and caribou to moose and grizzly bears and include virtually everything in between. At the end of the day, guys, words just don’t do this place justice. It has to be seen firsthand to realize it’s real and not the stuff of myths. And you want to know the best thing about it? You can’t un-see it. Once taken in, it stays with you. For life. It’s that incredible.

Denali National Park & Preserve has the highest peak in North America | 10 Amazing Places To Visit In Alaska
Denali National Park & Preserve has the highest peak in North America / Copyright FloridaStock

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